Wednesday, November 7, 2007

PLR Cash Course - How To Make A Fortune with PLR (2)

My last post, I gave an introduction on Private Label Rights (PLR)

To continue,

Selling Private Label Rights Products

There are a ton of different ways to make money with PLR products. It all depends on a person's situation and what they want to do with them.

I'm a big believer in having multiple streams of income, online. Too many people just try and make money with one strategy and when they don't make enough with it, they give up. If they had been getting income from different areas, it would have been enough to make a living online.

That is why I use PLR products to make money in a lot of different areas. The first thing that you can do is resell the product. Hopefully, they allow you the right to remove their name and place your name as the author.

This is important because if you want to become known as an expert in a market, whatever it may be, having a bunch of products, helps you greatly. It's important to become known as an expert and be known as a guru in your market.

It's important to be known as a guru in your market for many reasons. One is that it gets easier to sell products because of your reputation. Another reason is that it gets a lot easier to get joint venture partners and the ability to broker deals is a lot easier.

If a person wants to leave the original author there, to stay, that is all right as well. The reason that this can be a good thing to do is if you acquire PLR rights to a product to sell from a guru in a market. You might not care about becoming a guru in a market and just want to make money. Go ahead and sell it with the guru as the author.

Basically, all you have to do is write a sales page or hire someone to do it for you. Then you just drive traffic to the sales page or do joint ventures with people who have mailing lists in that market.

If you're worried about competing against other people who might be selling the product, don't worry too much. The Internet is a huge place, there are plenty of potential customers out there.

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